What I'm Doing Now

I'm in Las Vegas, Nevada, embracing a life filled with creativity, wellness, and learning. I share this journey with my adorable two 'four-legged children', and my supportive husband. Here's what I spend my time doing:

I'm deeply immersed in the world of content creation. You can find me on my YouTube channel - @StrategicallyHelpful, where I'm learning the art of video content and excited to see where this adventure takes me. YouTube is my first foray into the world of social media, and I am learning so much and taking tons of notes on how to do all the things for content creation after avoiding social media/networking platforms almost entirely until I decided to become a content creator. As I get better and improve my skills from zero, I plan to share my trials, tribulations, and insights learned on my journey to help out the next newbie on their journey.

Professionally, I started in a new role as a Business Analyst in May 2023 in IT Project Management. I'm navigating that learning curve and gaining more experience and expertise in the field. (While also developing my content creator skills - thankfully the two fields have a lot of overlapping subjects and benefits.)

My love for crafting and creating personalized gifts is a constant. It's where I let my creativity run wild, and I'm always on the lookout for fresh and unique projects. And I love to solve an organizing dilemma. According to my husband, I'm always looking for a problem to solve, even if nothing is broken. 😊

Wellness is a top priority for me. I firmly believe in taking care of myself, with habits that promote a balanced and healthy lifestyle. I'd rather be moving than sitting.

Following my melanoma stage 2A diagnosis in 2009, I've been on a fascinating journey in the world of skincare, exploring the secrets of healthy, radiant skin. Friends often turn to me for advice on addressing their skincare concerns, and I'm bringing this wealth of knowledge and passion to my YouTube channel.

Life is a beautiful journey, and I aim to savor every moment. Whether it's through creative endeavors, personal growth, or simply finding joy in the little things, I'm here for it.

If my activities and interests change, I will update this page to reflect those changes. The last update was October 29, 0223.

This page is inspired by a good idea from Derek Sivers.

Contact Me

If you're interested in working together or have any questions, feel free to contact me via email or LinkedIn!

